
Poker and I have been talking over what 2011 will hold for us. (Yes, my husband’s name is Poker. It’s a nick name with a story for another day!) We discussed the typical New Year’s resolutions this morning as we walked beautiful Lake Hollingsworth in Lakeland where we live. You see, we walk on days that it’s not too cold, too hot, too humid or too rainy. Today it was perfect – sunny and 72 degrees, and hence there were no excuses. (This might be a good resolution, but I don’t want to go there!) Today, we hit the 3.6 mile trek from our front porch and back. He knows I get bored easily with the “same old same old” exercise routine, so he picks lively conversational topics that help pass the time.

Today, we tossed around all the 2011 goals, challenges, & plans that the year might hold for us. Ugh. It’s enough of a challenge for me to pick out what I am going to wear every day. I had a hard time narrowing it down and putting it into just three goals. There are just so many possibilities! I don’t even like thinking about all that I will face this year that might be unpleasant. I prefer to look at life’s challenges as “possibilities!”

It is possible for God to move within us in new ways that show us more of who He is. (“And I shall put a new spirit within them.” Ezek. 11:19a.)
It is possible for God to melt our heart in the areas that are hardened to change. (“Create in me a clean heart, oh God and renew a right spirit within me.” Ps. 51:10)
It is possible for God to mold us. (“…we are the clay, and Thou our potter; and all of us are the work of Thy hand.” Isaiah 64:8)

We are “possibilities” in the eyes of a great God of Promise!
