
I’m one of those people that needs closure.  For example, my husband and I started a Netflix series recently, and we discovered it’s best to hit “play” when it’s a cold or rainy day, the house is clean (enough) and there’s nothing on the calendar.  I have a tendency to binge on a good story line.

I also become a speed reader when starting a novel that closes each chapter with a cliff hanger. Even when it comes to daily tasks, I might get side tracked and chase a few (or more) rabbits along the way, but generally I like to finish what I start.

Lately I’ve been reading the teachings of Moses in Deuteronomy and it’s hard to put it down every day. In Chapter 11 Moses gives instructions to the Israelites before they cross over into the Promised Land.  He recounts all that they have been through:

  • The Exodus out of Egypt
  • Crossing the Red Sea
  • The manna and quail from heaven
  • God’s gift of the law on Mt. Sinai
  • Their rebellious idol worship of the golden calf resulting in the wilderness wandering.

God brought them to the point where they are about to take possession of the land, not because of their righteousness but to fulfill His plans and His promise.  Moses describes God as affectionate, intentional, impartial, tender and compassionate. Most of all we see His faithfulness.

Moses then reminds the Israelites to “Be careful so they would not be enticed to turn away and worship other gods.” Then he gives them direction on how to be faithful to the one true God:

  1. Fix these words in your hearts and minds. (vs. 18)
  2. Teach your children. (vs.19)
  3. Love the Lord. (vs. 22)
  4. Walk in His ways. (vs. 22)
  5. Hold fast to Him. (vs. 22)

As I look back on my life, I see how God has demonstrated His great love for me.  I see His hand of mercy in situations I put myself in just like the Israelites did. I see His great rescue plan for me when I could have been in a very different place in various seasons of my life.  I see His provision when times were tight financially. I know that God has been with me through each and every wilderness and mountain top experience.

If I’ve learned anything about the greatest love story ever told, it’s that our Heavenly Father is a finisher, a completer and a promise keeper. His son was resolute in carrying His cross to Calvary.

He demonstrated his sacrificial love when He shed His own blood for us.  He declared His great love when He said “It is finished.” Then, He completed His rescue mission when He conquered death and busted out of the tomb.

When you’re tempted to question His faithfulness in your life, remember the cross.  Remember the empty tomb. Remember He sent the Holy Spirit to continue His work inside you.  Remember… “He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day Christ Jesus returns.”  (Phil. 6:1)


4 thoughts on “Finisher”

  1. What a blessing for you to minster to Albertville’s FBC Family. You and I know it was a divine appointment.
    I’m going to read your Blog.
    God Bless!
    Carolyn Rains

    1. Carolyn!
      So sorry to be late in this reply! Thank you for your kind comments!Grateful to be a part of the special day in Albertville last fall.

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