Child of God

I’m going to be a grandmother! My first born is having his first born sometime around Christmas day. Needless to say, we are all just a tiny bit excited around the Boyd house.

I pray now for the day “Brayden Tyler Boyd” will have an opportunity to personally know the God of the universe. I remember when his daddy, Jay made his profession of faith. He was 6 years old when he knelt beside his bed and asked Jesus into his life. When Jay was little, we often played a game called, “Whose boy are you?” He would always reply, “Mama’s boy!” …Or, if he was with his dad, “Daddy’s boy!” Whoever he was with at the moment is whose boy he was! After he came to know Jesus, I asked him one day, “Jay, whose boy are you?” (Fully expecting to hear the words that made my heart flutter….Mama’s.) But he crinkled up his forehead as if he was concerned about my feelings and replied, “Mama, you know I’ve got to be God’s boy, now.” He understood that he belonged to God, adopted into His family through Jesus shed blood. Nothing could have made me happier.

Today I had the honor of speaking before a group of committed AWANA leaders at an area training conference. I loved their theme, “One More;” the idea being that we should never stop reaching out to each and every child with the gospel, so that all children have an opportunity to know what it means to be God’s boy or girl.

Alongside for kids….Julie