Colonoscopy….ugh. Just had my first. No one can really prepare you for that experience. They try. Bless their hearts. The doctor’s office sent 5 pages with very specific instructions. My sister finally explained the process to me with words I could understand. I won’t give you details about her description, but let me just say, a sister speaks your language! Not only did she provide helpful tips for enduring the procedure, she prayed with me. She sent encouraging texts and smiley faces! She called when it was over to make sure I was okay, and let me brag that the nurse said, “I have a pretty colon!”
You may not be in the stage of life I am in: the empty nester, over 50, cancer screening, grandmother club! But, perhaps I’ve been down the path you are currently on. For example, if you’ve ever struggled in your marriage, I know what you’re feeling. If you’re raising a toddler who thinks they’re in charge… been there! If your teenage son hasn’t said more than two words to you this week, welcome to the club. If your job (that you love) suddenly seems like one pressure packed deadline after another, I can so relate. When your prayers seem to bounce off the ceiling and worship somehow isn’t what it once was, trust me….you’re not alone, and you might need a “sister talk!”
We all need someone to help us navigate the tough times. We all need words of encouragement and godly advice from a friend who cares. (“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up”….1 Thessalonians 5:11) Remember, someone’s been where you are or headed where you’ve been. Don’t be afraid to talk about it, whatever it is. A word from someone who has “been there” makes all the difference in the world. (“A person finds joy in giving an apt reply— and how good is a timely word!” Prov. 15:23)
Take it from me…after my sister talk, I now feel like I could start my own colonoscopy support group!