Lord, have mercy!

“Lord, have mercy!” My mother used to say phrase that a lot when I was little! I’m sure I gave her plenty of reasons to say it…and probably really loud, too! 🙂 In truth, I think she would have said it anyway. She got married June 30th, 1957; had my sister June 29th, 1958 and I was born June 5th, 1959. As you can imagine, she hardly had time to learn how to be a wife before two little girls came along. (My parents figured out what was causing that “birth thing” and waited 9 years before my other sister was born!)

I can’t imagine how hard it must have been for her trying to figure out how to be a ‘mama.’ You see, her own parents had abandoned her at the age of 8. She was blessed to be raised by godly grandparents who showered her with love and security, but still, today she would be labeled a “social orphan.”

Truly, my mother is a remarkable woman. She did not hold grudges or allow her situation to make her bitter. When she birthed babies 11 months apart, she found incredible joy in being a mama! She gave me…birth and re-birth. She’s the one who held my hand at the age of 7 and led me down the aisle at our little country church. It was there that I was forever changed. Jesus forgave me of my sin and came to live in my heart. My mother gave to me what she had found…”For in THEE the orphan finds mercy.” (Hosea 14:3b)

I love Hosea chapter 14. Basically it says that Israel tried to find hope in relationships, talent, and achievement (vs.3). Sound familiar? What woman hasn’t thought at one time or another that a man, a career, or her own ability could make all her dreams come true? However, after we stumble and make a complete mess of things because of our own “iniquity” (vs 1), Hosea 14:2, says “TAKE WORDS with you and return to the Lord”. (Lord, have mercy!) Hosea 14:4 describes this mercy life: It comes complete with healing, love, & forgiveness. I want that life! Each one of us can have it! He gives new beginnings (vs. 5). He gives opportunities to blossom and grow. He gives a life of beauty and influence (vs.6-7).

Return. Take words. Find mercy. Thank you, Mama for showing me what mercy looks like.