I heard those sweet words from a 5 year old little boy at a church wide event I spoke at recently. He noticed I was wearing a different gray boot on my right foot. You know the kind that looks like a transformer? I wore the ugly thing for 9 weeks treating a torn ligament in my ankle. (That’s another story.) When this little guy saw the plastic fitting on my foot, he was concerned for me. I was touched as he approached me after church and said, “I will pray for you.” Then he added, “Cause you need shoes that match!” Adorable!
Praying for one another is critical in healthy relationships. Many times I have wanted to interfere instead of intercede. I’m tempted to preach rather than pray. Sometimes when I hear a friend share a concern, struggle or need, I tend to toss those important words around carelessly, “I will pray for you.” God tugs at my heart and reminds me that when I pray for someone else, He is transforming me in the process, too. He teaches me to think less of me and more of Him and what He is up to. He shows me how merciful He is and puts his character of love and compassion inside me. He reminds me of His power to change… to do the miraculous, in the life of the one I am praying for and in me.
I’ve needed a little help learning how to keep the needs of others before my Father. Here are a few things I am trying to make a habit of in my daily life:
1. Before I make a phone call, I pray specifically for the person I am about to talk to. And, when I make or receive a call I breath a prayer that God would be Lord over my conversation.
2. While I am on a road trip as I often am, I ask God to bring people to my mind that I need to pray for. It helps make the drive fly by, besides being a valuable time of intercession.
3. I keep a journal with the names and needs of others that I am praying for so I can see how God is at work.
4. When I am tempted to think negatively about a fellow believer, I ask God to show me how to pray for them in stead of fostering critical thoughts.
5. Sometimes I may have a heavy burden for someone. I will breath their name in prayer throughout the day. Posting a picture near my computer, in my bible, on my dashboard, or on my bathroom mirror helps remind me to pray for them.
6. Because I live by a schedule, the best reminder for me is posting the name or need on my calendar at a specific time.
7. Sometimes I make an intercession date with a friend. We pray at the same time for the same person or need. It’s great accountability and builds close relationships.
Yes…God answered that little boy’s prayer and I now have shoes that match. God’s still working on making my heart match His. Dear God, teach us to pray…